I woke up today with messy hair. It will take a few to get used to taking a bath at night. I am so used to taking a bath in the morning before leaving the house but now i have yo change my ways because the rule here in the house for the foreign students is to take a bath in the evening to avoid the rush hour of the legitimate residents of this unit :) but no worries, i can handle it :)
Normally in the Philippines we eat heavy breakfast (well most of the Filipinos i know do). Here my breakfast consisted of this round bread about 1/2 size bigger than a chips ahoy with chocolate filling. I also had orange juice, and water. It was actually delicious.

Excuse the messy morning groggy look.
Knowing my appetite and havibg the mentality that i have not adjusted well enough just yet, i know i will get hungry somewhere in the middle because lunch will be no earlier than 14:00. I brought sky flakes! ¡Gracias por Skyflakes! :)
By the way, Mama Eva was sick today... Well she says in Spring she's always sick in the morning. She has this Spring Allergy thing. I prepared my things and then as i was about to leave she was not around so i just left her a note.
Since i am not going to school from the hotel like yesterday, i will be coming from a different station. Instead of the nuevos ministerios, i will be coming from Estrecho. Which is just a few steps away from our flat here so no problem. From Estrecho i had to change lines in Cuatros Caminos and head for San Bernardo. I survived! I did it all by myself. Now i had to walk a few blocks from the metro to get to school. I was a few minutes early but that's better than late.
I love my classmates. They're very friendly and acommodating and the Brazilians are sooooo funny. During the break i find out the school has wi-fi. Hooraaaaaay! That means i do not have to rush home if i want to talk to my family thru facetime.
But i hurried home anyway because i was hungry :) and i found my way back by metro once again and that is an achievement for me.

Oh and in the metro, even if it's illegal, people ride and peform and one guy sang for the people in the train and then went around to ask for coins. It's quite common everywhere. I arrived home and lunch was served. I think it was some kind of ham sandwhich but i admit, this is the best sandwhich i have eaten my whole life.
I took a bit of rest but as soon as i woke up i heard Mama Eva screaming and i was a bit worried. I could not understand because my door was closed and the sound was muffled. And then she knocks on my door and tells me that Irina, my foster sister passed this exam that kids in Spain take to be able to enter university :) ¡Felicidades mi hermana!
Today we were suppose to go out and buy a spanish sim card but it rained... How odd in spring to rain.
Well, i jut stayed home again, opened my face book, and in the evening we ate dinner. Great Pasta!!! :)
Now it's good night Madrid once again :)
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