Today i woke upnearly but i fell asleep again til 08:30 >_< bleh! How annoying....
I prepared my stuff for school and while eating breakfast i decided to recheck the other parts of my homework.
I am officially in love with the galletas. I think i'm going to miss it when i go back home.
On the way to class i met Chao Liu and we walked together going to school from the metro :)
In class, we are still in lesson 3. O was expecting that we would be able to start lesson 4... I think i will ask The director if i can change classes to a more advanced class because this class is a bit slow and i it's somewhat of a revison and i think i am ready to advance to the next lessons. Not next level ok? Next lessons only :p
We have a new student, David from France :) my photo is a little bit against the light so pardon me :)

Greta and her friend Lydia invited us to go out tomorrow night to explore the night life of Madrid. I think it's a marvelous idea because i have not gone out at night here EVER! i think it's about time.
I went home and i was alone :c so i prepared my sandwhich and look what else i ate :)

Very good stuff :) I like the La paz batchoy flavor more than the Bulalo. And again, to my friends who do not speak Filipino, La Paz Batchoy is pork flavor... I think it originated from Ilo-Ilo, a place in the Philippines in the La Paz market... Yes i am pretty sure about that :)
We had no homework today so i just read the next lessons again so that i will be confident enought when i talk to the director.
I decided to go out for a walk in Calle Bravo Murillo when i suddenly saw a big sign in the Blanco store which says "todo -50%" (everything -50%)

and i suddenly remembered the bag i had always been looking at... And i entered and it was not there anymore :c
Then i remembered one of the things i learned in my advanced reading of my lessons. To use a certain tense of verbs to lament on the "too late" things...
"¡tenía que haber comprado el bolso cuando tuve la oportunidad!" (i should have bought the bag when i had the chance)
Haha! At least i was able to practice it :)
This is the messiest sale i have ever seen :) Clothes were EVERYWHERE!!

But it was amazing to watch people rummage through the stuff :)
I bought myself a bag to replace the one i am using now because my old one is about to retire. It's almost ripped. The bag i got was originally 15€, i got it for half the price :) muy bien! Hahaha
I walked back home and read some more. I was so excited to receive a text message from Irina :) i finally have a real Spanish friend. Hahahahahaha! I'm such a dork :) oh wait, she's not just a friend. She's my Spanish Sister :)
While waiting for Irina i read some more and then when she finally arrived, we ate dinner together and we talked over Spaghetti with really good sauce. She taught me a few things to say and not to say :) i love her!!!!!!!!!
She came home just to eat dinner :) ok i shall now be dorkier and assume that she came home to eat dinner with me... I think :) hahahahahaha! This entry is so dorky i am so proud! I've never written an entry like this before :) i guess i am jut happy and lucky that i live with this Family, i cannot even imagine living with a family other than theirs. I feel so at home here i hardly felt home sick.
I was not able to take as much pictures today because i hardly held my phone except for when i need a dictionary.
Anyway, it's time to say good sleep and hopefully i wake up earlier tomorrow :) but before i say good night, i removed my hair elastic and the waves were really "guai" :) (cool) <---- Irina taught me that word :)

-- ¡Buenas Noches Madrid!
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