Day 29: Nervous Much?

Today started out as usual. I woke up 15 minutes before my alarm... And yes i heard the circle of life again this morning like all my mornings here in Madrid...

It's still cold but i am very thankful it's not as cold as yesterday.

Breakfast: ¡Por dios! No hay galletas hoy! (there are no galletas today!) but we have cookies.. Like chips ahoy without the chocolate :)

Today Caroline was my partner... It's not pronounced as "ka-rho-lahyn" but rather, "ka-rho-lee-neh" because she is brazillian :) she is very nice and very funny and i am glad she was my partner earlier

We talked about the difference in culture and economics of Brazil and the Philippinea. Apparently electronics in Brazil are 2x more expensive than that of the Philippines.

I really like my school. I am kind of disappointed that José Luis is not our professor anymore because in his class our brains are stimulated because we talk more and we get to practice our conversational skills and not just composition if sentences. But even if he's not our teacher, everytime we see him in the building, he always asks for a Hi-5! :)

Anyway, after class i am thankful to my classmate Eneas because he joined me in the Metro until Bilbao... Bilbao only because in Bilbao i take the train going to Pinar de Chamartin and today e took the opposite train going to "Valdecarros" because that train has a stop in Atocha. He went there to purchase a ticket to Barcelona :)

In my train to Pinar de Chamartin (where i get off at Estrecho), i was so immersed in the Madrid-ness of the moment i missed my stop!! I was watching all sorts of people in the train. There are more gentlemen here than in Manila :p
Here, some guys actually stand and offer seats to the elderly, and women as well. I did not say always, but i see this scene frequently.

I was supposed to get off at Estrecho but i missed it by one stop. I got off at Tetuán and then just took the train back :) i woud have wanted to walk outside but
1) i am hungry and in a hurry to go home
2) i don't memorize the places above the subway (except Estrecho-Alvarado-Cuatro Caminos because i always walk that way)
3) it's still cold

Boom! Hello lunch :) now i know what that Mallorcan spread is: SOBRASADA!! :)


After lunch, Mama Eva and my "hermanita" Irina cleaned my room, vacuumed, changed y beddings, etc.

I talked to my fanily as usual in face time :)
I spent my afternoon reading my textbook ang workbook and a little facebook as well ;) oh and i was contemplating in whether to get a professional bull fight ticket for this 11 June but costs 40€ or if i should get the 30€ ticket for 26 june but for a younger bull, newbie torrero fight?... I honestly just want to watch a bull fight. I I don't care anymore who's on because i already missed the fights of my favorite Fernando Robleño.

And all of a sudden, just because my window was open, someone threw something at my window and it almost hit my head!! Apparently some bunch of kids can't so anything good with their lives and so decided to ruin others' :p

I looked out the window and threw back the small green fruit. This is how our dialogue went:
Me: "¿que pasa?? ¿Porque lanzaís unas cosas a mi ventana??" (what's up? Why are you throwing stuff at my window??) Niño 1: ay perdon perdon! ¿Donde esta su hermano? (oh sorry sorry. Where is your brother?)
Me: no tengo hermano (i do not have a brother)
Niño 2: a vale vale. Adios (oh ok ok, bye)

I know it was a lame excuse because i i had a brother they would know because there are not much asians in our apartment

As i was about to get back to my business, one of them throws something again... I look out and go

Me: oi! Oigame! ¿Quien tiró eso? Ya te dije no tengo hermano
(hey listen! Who threw that? I already told you i have no brother)
Niño 2: *points at friend* ¿..y tu hermana?
Me: no tengo tampoco. Okay? Vale? Claro? (i don't have one either ok? Ok? Is that clear?)

...and finally they leave. Oh come on... They just wanted to play around because my window was open :p

I got back to my studying until i receive a phone call from my amorcito at 21:00 :) i am happy because we have not talke for a while because he had an activity. I am very happy i was finally able to talk to him.

Dinner time, i ate with Colleen. Jaime was out because she watched a Flamenco show.

I really was not able to take much pictures today since i stayed home to study but here's a picture of my hermana, Irina and her novio (boyfriend) Nicolas :)

And now it's time for me to rest because i will be out early tomorrow to see a tourist spot with a friend :)

~*~*~¡Buenas Noches Madrid!~*~*~

Ubicación:Calle de Pamplona,Madrid,España

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