I've unintentionally neglected my blog because I was able to get into a new job which requires a lot of traveling but unfortunately I didn't get the chance to write again but now I'm back from outerspace!!
I was given a 5 day thing in the beautiful city of Legazpi! This is where the perfect cone shaped freakishly active but beautiful Volcano, Mount Mayon

I was lucky enough to be toured around my my foster brothers

Mayon Volcano is considered as the most active Volcano in the Philippines. The last recorded erruption was last December 2009. It is obviousy still active because yiu can see smoke coming out of the peak. I was there for 5 days and it only flashed its full form twice I think. It always hid under a blanket of clouds.

One of the most common places to visit is the Cagsawa ruins. It is a centuries old church top which was the only thing left of the Cagsawa Church. The 1814 eruption burried the church but the bell tower was left on the surface.

The Lignon hill is also a great place to visit when you're in Legazpi. You can walk from the entrance up the hill for fun and a bit of exercise, you can also take your vehicle up, or you can pay for the ATV tour of Mayon Volcano which was what Zac Efron did when he was here in the Philippines.

My friend Karla also took me to the Colonial Grill which serves the famous 'Sili Ice Cream' or 'Chilli' ice cream. It's spicy but cold so it's a weird but good ice cream :)

I will put in a separate post the other restaurants I was brought to :)
One of the best experiences I had was taking breakfast inside a nipa hut, by the beach :)

Well that's it for today, Hope you learned something about Legazpi :) ciao!
I was given a 5 day thing in the beautiful city of Legazpi! This is where the perfect cone shaped freakishly active but beautiful Volcano, Mount Mayon

I was lucky enough to be toured around my my foster brothers

Mayon Volcano is considered as the most active Volcano in the Philippines. The last recorded erruption was last December 2009. It is obviousy still active because yiu can see smoke coming out of the peak. I was there for 5 days and it only flashed its full form twice I think. It always hid under a blanket of clouds.

One of the most common places to visit is the Cagsawa ruins. It is a centuries old church top which was the only thing left of the Cagsawa Church. The 1814 eruption burried the church but the bell tower was left on the surface.

The Lignon hill is also a great place to visit when you're in Legazpi. You can walk from the entrance up the hill for fun and a bit of exercise, you can also take your vehicle up, or you can pay for the ATV tour of Mayon Volcano which was what Zac Efron did when he was here in the Philippines.

My friend Karla also took me to the Colonial Grill which serves the famous 'Sili Ice Cream' or 'Chilli' ice cream. It's spicy but cold so it's a weird but good ice cream :)

I will put in a separate post the other restaurants I was brought to :)
One of the best experiences I had was taking breakfast inside a nipa hut, by the beach :)

Well that's it for today, Hope you learned something about Legazpi :) ciao!
January 15, 2013 at 11:38 AM
Thank you very much! Maganda talaga siya and I hope I can go back soon :)
June 3, 2014 at 8:54 AM
Nice..i like it...
September 10, 2015 at 8:28 AM
Amazing blog and very interesting stuff you got here! I definitely learned a lot from reading through some of your earlier posts as well and decided to drop a comment on this one!